Dear Friends & Family,

     Since we both share a deep love of Torah and learning it would be our preference that instead of gifts that you find it in your hearts to contribute to an organization that we know touches the lives of many Jews from all over the world.  

    Darche Noam Institutions is an organization that we plan to support in the future.  Any contribution you make we would use in conjunction with our own financial commitment.  

This is a much appreciated act of tzedakah and a real blessing.

Thank You,

Michael & Michal Margolese

"The world depends upon 3 things: Torah Study, Service of G-d, & on Kind Deeds"
- Ethics Of Our Fathers,  Ch. 1-2

"Hillel Says: Be among the disciples of Aaron, loving peace and pursuing peace, loving people, and bringing them closer to the Torah"
- Ethics Of Our Fathers, Ch. 1-12

"Charity is an act of love, kindness and compassion. It is also a duty, a privilege, a right, an act of justice, a humbling experience (even more for the giver than for the recipient) and a badge of identity."
- website (Rabbi Yanki Tauber)

For more information please visit  Darche Noam Institutions