
OK - so I have really neglected to continue in my updates.
I apologise profusely, but once I launch into the details
of what has kept me so busy I am confident that I will be

I think i left off in Toronto.
I was there a week.
Just enough time to catch up with old friends.
Have a going away party.
And experience a beautiful flurry of snow.
For those of you there, please know that my time in Toronto
is one of the most special of my life. I grew tremendously,
I was challenged in so many ways. Met so many wonderful
people and had some awesome adventures.
Thank you to those of you who made it all possible.

From there it was a flight to South Africa for exactly all of ONE day.
But somehow I managed to be there for one of my best friends birthday.

No sleep and less than 24 hours later I clambered on yet
another plane and headed to the Holy Land.

My brothers wedding on Eruv Chanukah was incredible. I have never
been surrounded by so many family and friends.
The happy couple were glowing.

And so my month in Israel passed in bliss.
Spending time in the Holy Land always rejuvenates and
energises every aspect of my being.

And so, on the 28th I flew back into the land I grew up in.
Sunny South Africa.
And boy, is it ever hot & sunny over here.

You are invited to come over & visit.
We have plenty of space.
I will be here until June.
Gosh, its good to be home!

I would love to hear from you!!!!

So, this is Michal signing out!

PS. Happy 2005