So, I am back to my starting point. I began my cross continent US trek in June 2004. After having lived in Toronto for a year and a half, running the Aish Young Professionals, I could take the winter no more, but had an urge to explore more of the North American continent. To my old friends in Toronto I sent the following note upon my very brief return:

So Michal is going to be in Toronto for a few days. Some
would say that this merits a party. Those people can join
us on Thursday night (November 25th) at a location that is
yet to be decided upon but will be in the vicinity of my
house (Thornhill). It might also be a place that sells beer
so make arrangements for a designated driver. Michal will
be present. Bring your own pen or your Aish 20's flyer if
you want an autograph. She doesn't sign napkins.
Photographs are 25 cents each and the money goes towards
buying me a great big huge cup of coffee with 18% cream.

>P.S. For those of you who have no sense of humor or who
just don't appreciate mine-- I was kidding about the money
and the photographs. Actually, just do us all a favor and
stay home next Thursday night. I can buy my own damn


Ok guys, some of you may be braething a huge sigh of relief
by now as my cross continent trek is coming to an end.

From Vancouver BC, I caught a bus to Seattle and then
completed the square I had envisioned backpacking by flying
out to Stanford Connecticut for the Aish Partners
Conference. It was a weekend of inspiration, hanging out
with old friends and making new ones.

From there i flew back to New Orleans.
For those of you getting suspicious about my constant
returning to this city...those concerns are well founded.
no more need be said for now...

Hung out for a week, and took it easy.
I caught up on work and sleep and watched loads of movies.

Then we hopped on the Honda Goldwing and took 1.5 days to
drive the 860 miles or 1700 km's from New Orleans down to
Florida. 12 hours on the bike on the 2nd day, but let me
tell you that bike is the most super comfortable vehicle I
have ever had the pleasure to ride on.

I could put my feet up, listen to music and even fall asleep
if i wanted to. So, I guess the "big trip" ends off with a
big bang and riding around Miami & Palm Beach visiting
friends, enjoying the sun in NOVEMBER!!!! and just plain
old lovin life. I see only more good times ahead.

So, i want to thank you all for sharing this journey with
me. Its been great receiving your feedback and being in
touch with your lives and adventures.

After the long ride back to New Orleans I am heading to
Toronto on the 22nd. Where I will be staying for a week
before I head over to Israel for awhile.

Safe journeys to all

Michal signing out...