Three Days Grace, a popular rock band, made the phrase “It’s never too late” extremely popular. The song’s title and lyrics resonated with their fans and became a major hit. And that message of hope that it’s “never too late” is, in my opinion, the reason for its success.

It seems to me that they were trying to say that our dreams are always possible- that the only limitations we have are our fears. Now, I know it sounds cliche, but having a positive attitude and being able to see the good endows us with the strength to go after what we really want out of life.

An interesting lyric from the musical Into the Woods suggests: “Wishes may bring problems such that you regret them- better that, though, than to never get them…” However, from personal experience, I would suggest that you think long and hard about your dreams; they may not be all that you expected when you’re finally living them.

For as long as I can remember growing up all I wanted out of life was to travel. It was the only dream or goal that I had. So as soon as I turned 21 I donned my trusty backpack and went off to travel the continent of Europe.

Many countries and months later, I found myself alone on a mountain top looking out over the magnificent azure of the Adriatic Coast. “Now what?” I remember thinking. “Where do I go from here?” I’d been living my dream, but had no idea what to do next.

I decided to delve deeper and ask myself the tough questions:
What do I really want?
Where am I going?
What’s the purpose of my life?

I had all these questions, but no answers. Looking at that serene scene surrounding me, I realized that my traveling was just an escape from my life- and though I bounced from destination to destination, none of these places could ever be my final destination. At least not the way I had been living up until then. The traveling was only part of the process of the journey of finding the answers to those larger than life questions.

The Torah says that man was created “B’zelem Elokim”, or “In the image of G-d.” This means that, like G-d, we are able to create great works and ponder the world. In fact, not only are we able but we are obligated. We are charged with being “holy to our G-d”.

This responsibility is massive. It means that there is more to life than fulfilling our physical pleasures. Within us, we have such awesome power that if we don’t investigate our true essence and being, then we’re misappropriating the gift of life that we’ve been granted.

Think of the concept of “one-ness”, the Jewish eternal cry - “Shema Yisrael, Hashem Elokeinu, Hashem Echad” “Listen, O Israel, Hashem is our G-d, Hashem is one!” We say this prayer every day. G-d is one. There is nothing outside of G-d. Therefore, you and I and everything that exists is one too. So, any thought, shame or desire we have as individuals is shared in the “G-d Consciousness” that is ALL. We may feel alone, but it is only us who separate ourselves from each other.

The fact that we live, breathe, cry and laugh is a sign that G-d is willing us to do so. If not, according to the Kabbalah, we would just blink out of existence. I find this concept so comforting. Even when I don’t see my own value, I know that G-d does.

No matter where one stands in life, no matter what the past held or what the future promises…
its never too late. Not to late to change; not too late to reflect; not too late to improve upon ourselves and our place in the world. And it’s NEVER too late to get closer to G-d.

6/9/2009 07:24:14 pm

.. not too sure whether good idea whether good idea to 'come close' to a Dude(Capital D), whose ways are so mysterious and who has such a strange sense of humour :-)


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